Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Decent Service for Men’s Hair

Say goodbye to salon or a bad quality barber shop on the roadside. Men in Bandung and surroundings cities now have their own salon with premium service just like women’s have. Located in Cimanuk Street, Barber Pop is owned by the same owner of Pop Shop.

Last month, when I was on vacation with my girlfriend, I decided to cut my hair in there. You can see the shop at the left side of the street which takes only ten minutes from Gedung Sate.
My first impression when I was come is the place looks really nice and little bit vintage, yet it still comfy. I can see that there is a sofa and two extra chairs for the queue, and also two televisions for customer. And unlike the ordinary barber shop on the roadside, you will not feel hot because there is an Air Conditioner in there.

To get the premium service of this barber shop, the first thing we must do is register our name to receptionist. If there is a queue, you have to wait in the sofa or you can shop around in Pop Shop which located at beside of the barber shop. In case you get hungry or thirsty, there is Vanilla Café and Restaurant in the second floor upon Pop Shop. But, if you have another appointment, do not be hesitate to leave your cell phone number in receptionist.

With only 50.000 rupiah, you will have the best experience of haircut. The service also include haircut and scalp massage session. While being served, you will hear chill out music with a remote control of cable television in your hand. Well, I have to admit it that Barber Pop is the coolest barber shop I have ever seen and also worth to visit.

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Best quote so far

"Persahabatan bagaikan pipis di celana. Setiap orang dapat melihatnya, tetapi hanya Anda yang dapat merasakan kehangatannya."

*meluk temen yang ada paling deket*

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Pirates of the Silicon Valley

Steve Jobs: "I don't want you to think of this is just a film, some process of creating electrons and magnetic impulses into shapes and figures sounds, no. Listen to me, we're here to make a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why even be here? We're creating a completely new consciousness, like an artist or a poet. That's how you have to think of this. We're rewriting the history of human thought with what we're doing."

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

This One's for Beliebers

Daugther : "mom, i'm going up to my room with my boyfriend"

Mom        : "ok, just don't do anything stupid"

*few moments later*

Daugther : "baby baby baby.. oh!"

Mom        : *run up to room*
                   "what are you doing??!!"

Daugther : "mom, i'm having sex!! get out!!"

Mom        : "oh it's ok, i thought you were listening to Justin Bieber.."

*ngakak tingkat Kabupaten*

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011


satu yang mungkin jadi pertanyaan dan pasti membuat anda terheran2..

kenapa judul blog gue "The Orthodox Life"??? kenapa ga "Diary of Adid"?? atau kenapa ga "Buku Harian Si Adid"?? (lo kate gue unyil)

sebetulnya gaada alasan spesifik kenapa gue milih "The Orthodox Life" sebagai judul blog gue, cuma, to the point aja, biar keliatan keren doang kok..

 *dijitak satu kampung*

ga lah becanda doang, jadi tuh semua berawal ketika gue ngobrol2 sama bos gue di tempat magang. gue lupa kita lagi ngomongin apa, tapi ada satu kata yang bikin gue mengerutkan dahi ketika bos gue mengucapkannya. yap, kata itu adalah "ortodoks".

sempet terlintas berbagai pertanyaan di dalam benak gue.. "makanan apaan tuh ortodoks?" atau "ortodoks?? SMA mana tuh??" tapi gue jaim, gue gamau nanya begitu aja sama bos gue..

*standing applause*

setelah selesai berbincang2 dengan bos, gue pun kembali ke laptop *tukul style*
dan lagi2 gue teringat dengan kata itu.. kata yang sekilas gue denger kayak musuh Power Ranger, kata yang sekilas mirip dengan nama fans klub band PWG, dan kata yang sangat jarang gue denger..

akhirnya, dengan mengumpulkan segenap kekuatan bulan dan matahari, gue pun berinisiatif untuk mencari sendiri arti dari "ortodoks" melalui bertanya kepada mbah Google...


FINALLY!!! ga lama kira2 10 menit setelah gue bertanya kepada mbah Google, akhirnya gue menemukan jawabannya..

[a] (1) berpegang teguh pd peraturan dan ajaran resmi, msl dl agama; (2) kolot; berpandangan kuno

ah, ternyata artinya gitu doang. di bayangan gue udah keluar rumus2 fisika atau unsur2 kimia yang ribet aja, eh ternyata artinya cuma "kolot" toh..

yeah that's it, jadi itu aja asal usul kenapa blog ini dinamakan "The Orthodox Life", karna ga lain dan ga bukan adalah hidup kita ini, khususnya Indonesia, mayoritas masih berpegang teguh kepada adat2 atau ajaran yang kuno (jadul). oleh karna itu gue berinisiatif untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada masyarakat kita dengan cara menjadikan kata "kolot"/"ortodoks" untuk dipakai sebagai judul blog gue..

*standing applause*




Dengan atas rahmat Allah SWT yang Maha Kuasa..
Dengan doa para Rasul..
Dengan tetesan keringat demi keringat..
Dengan pengorbanan waktu..
Dengan kuasa WiFi kantor gue tempat magang..
akhirnya terciptalah blog ini.

Pertama2 gue mau ucapin berjuta2 terima kasih kepada bos gue yang udah memberi tahu password WiFi kantor. Tanpa dia, mungkin kerjaan gue sekarang cuman maen minesweeper..

Kedua, gue mau berterimakasih sama foundernya blogspot. Tanpanya, mungkin blog gue ini ga akan jadi sampe kapanpun..

Terakhir, gue mau ucapkan terima kasih yang sangat2 kepada pencipta komputer. Ga kebayang kalo gaada dia, mungkin kalo mau nge-blog lewat mesin tik atau surat kiriman dari burung merpati..

udah ah segitu aja. males ngetik banyak2. ntar lo pada ngefans lagi sama gue..

*potong tumpeng*